Wednesday, October 31, 2007

News at Last

My daughter and I waited for good news from Kuching. It has been more than twelve hours of long anguished waiting.

Finally the handphone beeped and I knew it must be her. In spite of the pain she must be suffering, she remembers to send word. She has always been an effective person who starts her task well and ends well. The Chinese would call her a person who would manage everything from top to bottom. And she would definitely leave word concerning everything.

Praise God, she wrote,"I am out of surgery.In pain. Need to sleep." Precision in communication. All is well so far.

I received the news with joy in my heart but wept.

I will not know the entire process of putting a stent in her gall bladder but soon I will be by her bedside to know the details.

She has always been very frugal . In fact so frugal that sometimes she does not do the usual i.e. put the usual care into grooming. She believes as that as long as she is clean, fresh and decent it is alright. With the armour of Godliness she can triumph above all the vanities.

So at this juncture I remember the hymn which has helped many of us:

If the world from you withold of its silver and its gold,
and you have to get along with meager fare
just remember in his Word how he feeds the little bird,
take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Leave it there (3x)
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
If you trust and never doubt, he will surely bring you out;
take your burden to the Lord and leave it there, leave it there.

If your body suffers pain,
and your health you can't regain
and your soul is almost sinking to despair,
Jesus knows the pain you feel,
he cn save and he can heal,

Leave it there....

When your enemies assail,
and your heart begins to fail,
don't forget thatGod in heaven answers prayer
he will make a way for you
and will lead you safely through.

Leave it there...

when your youthful days are done,
and old age is stealing on,
and your body bends beneath the weight of care,
he will never leave you then,
he'll go with you to the end.

As I rediscover this hymn, read it again and again, I am comforted and for Chrysanthemum the positive promise of God is built within the verses...God will be with her and keep her safe.

Another day and the fight goes on. Praise God for his strengthening powers and Grace.

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